I love shopping online. I love the way you can search for items and compare prices without having to drive all over. I live far away from major stores so this is appealing to me. You can also read reviews about the product to see how others rate it. Even for those uncomfortable with actual online purchasing, the computer is a perfect place to do all the preliminary work. Then when you go into the store, you will know if the price is comparable and know the model you want. Some stores let you order online and then you can pick up or return to the store. It is a free service and is a good option. I am looking for a bedspread but that is something I am hesitant to order online. I want to see and feel it. There are some online stores that will pay for return shipping otherwise any money saved will be used up by paying for return shipping. This is where picking up and returning to the store would be an option. There are also a lot of other things to be aware of. There are usually shipping costs that are some times more than the product itself. Because of this I never order without a deal and most of the time free or discounted shipping codes. I do feel sorry for small business owners who have people come in, look at and try out the product and then go online to order. However, most of us want to get the best deal we can.

The place I use most for this is ebates.com. Ebates has a website that you sign up with. Then when you find something you want to order, log into ebates and see what deals are available for that particular store. Almost always there will be a percentage off rebate and/or free shipping offers. Once you are logged into ebates and order from there, you will automatically get the rebate credited to you. Then every three months you will either get a check in the mail or the amount credited to your Amazon.com account. Which ever you choose to do.

Another place I use is mrrebates.com. It works much the same way as ebates but sometimes one or other have better deals. I am always amazed at magazine offers. Sometimes you can get 25% back on a magazine offer. Just be careful you you aren't signing up for automatic renewal. If you do, make a note to cancel before the time period is up. Mrrebates only sends a check when the rebate amount is over $20 but then they will send a check or deposit it into your paypal account.
For those who don't use paypal, it is the best and safest way to buy online. You set up a secure account with paypal and from there you can send money or receive money without having to write a check or enter any credit card information. I will always pay with paypal if I can.
There are many other places to get deals such as mypoints.com or just search for free shipping for whatever store you are using. Ebates and Mr rebates are my favorites and I have had good luck with them.
Bottom line is my motto: