There were downed trees and tall grass in every direction. We even ended up in someone's backyard. This was not what we intended. We thought we would take a nice leisurely hike to the river possibly cutting a few branches along the way.
This is the only property stake we found. It had almost impaled this large tree branch. I guess we hadn't been out here for a long time because the limb had moss growing on it. This limb came off a gigantic willow tree. The tree is still alive but missing several branches.
We finally gave up and went home. The next day we went to the county survey office. We wanted to see if there was a way to convert the numbers on our survey to GPS coordinates. We thought if we could use our GPS, we could get close to the property line. It was an old survey and they said there was not a formula and that we would have to find the property stakes or get a new survey. I think we should just let it go and enjoy our land from the comfort of our deck.