My youngest grandson is the exception. He mostly wants to be outside or creating something new. He can't wait to come out to our house and slog around in the swamp. I have written about a lot of his interests. For a couple years now his mom has ordered butterfly larvae and they watched them develop into butterflies.
This year they ordered Praying Mantis egg cases. They put the egg case in the net habitat they used to raise the butterflies.
A Praying Mantis egg case. |
They waited six weeks for the eggs to hatch. Then one day, there were hundreds of little Praying Mantises crawling around.
The plan is to release them in the garden after they have grown for a while. I imagine most of them will get eaten by birds and bigger insects, but it was fun to see them hatch. I took a few home. I thought I would try to raise them to adult size which is 2-4 inches. I found out they have to eat fruit flies or aphids. I have no idea how to catch a fruit fly. I found some little ants and put them in with the mantis. They get into their praying position but I haven't seen them eat yet. I have a feeling they may not make it, but time will tell. I started with five and now I have two. I think they may be eating each other.
I can't even imagine what my grandson will want to hatch out next, but I'm sure it will be interesting.