Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs ( and
The Secret Garden (
It was a great experience for her and led her to having acting parts in two middle school plays and eight high school plays. Now it is our youngest grandchild's turn. He is nine and auditioned for the first time. He was part of the Very Hairy Frowny-Face Tribe.
Ewan was excited and really enjoyed his experience. It was a big commitment and a lot of hours. They practiced from 4:00pm until 8:30pm each day. The next show will be The Snow Queen next January 20-25, 2020. I wonder if he will want to participate in that show.
Here are a few pictures of Ewan as a Very Hairy Frowny-Face. Sometimes he frowned but he also smiled.
So that's a wrap. Big brother Dylan was able to get off work in time for most of the evening performance. The day was a big success.