Wednesday, March 26, 2025

My Eleven Blog Volumes

In order to preserve the blogs I have written for my family, I have had them made into hard cover books. We decided to do this in 2013. I explained how this happened in a blog called Making a Book of this Blog. If the website can't be accessed in the future or technology changes, a hard copy will exist.

My husband did the books. He spent hours, days and weeks getting the pictures positioned and the text to match. He had a table of contents and all the pages numbered. Although we had to change companies over the years, it was still an arduous job. 

The first books were made through an online company called Blurb. Originally you could just upload the blog and position as necessary. At some point they quit doing that and changed the format. From that change, all the photos would be uploaded and the text was uploaded separately. It was really difficult to match them up so I had to find another company. I found two more companies. These required putting each blog post into a PDF file and then transfer and arrange into the book pages. It wasn't terribly difficult but very time consuming. 

Although Mike wrote all the instructions for making a book down, I found it difficult to remain interested. I like writing the blogs, but I did not like arranging it into a book. It didn't fit my personality. I either like doing something or I don't. I am too old to force myself to do anything. If I don't like a movie, I quit watching it. If I don't like a book after a hundred pages, I don't read it anymore. I either have a lot of patience or I have none depending on my interest in something. Because of this, I needed to find an easier way to make these books. I found a new company that makes books from blogs. It is called PixxiBook. You can control the cover color and text, the title page and the back cover. The rest is just uploaded from the blog as is. There is no rearranging photos or text, no table of contents or page numbers, but I didn't care. My main goal was getting the blogs into a hard copy. 

Mike would not be as happy with the final product. I admit some of the arrangements are confusing and out of order, but overall I think they turned out great. The paper is thick and the photos are crisp and clear. The book is high quality. 

I now have eleven volumes of my life from December 8, 2012 to December 22, 2024. Since I rarely blog anymore, it may take a while to get to #12. Hopefully this company will still be in business when I am ready.

1 comment:

  1. The website to make your own hard cover blog books is
