Sunday, March 2, 2025

Otters Playing in the Slough

I have already posted these photos on Facebook and a nature group I belong to, but I want this documented in my blog book. 

On February 25, 2025 I was about to make some supper. I looked out the window and directly down from my dining room window were two River Otters. They were playing and fishing. The temperature had warmed up during the previous week and there were several open areas where the ice had melted. 

I see otters a few times a year but these put on a really fun show.  They stayed for about 1 1/2 hours or more until it got too dark to watch. 

Is Spring on it's way, I hope so? Two days later on Thursday February 27, I spotted my first Sandhill Crane of the season. It was alone, but it will be followed by a few more very soon. 

Sometimes winters in Wisconsin seem never ending, but then hope comes. We had very little snow this winter and the temperatures were not as cold as they can sometimes be, but winter still feels very long especially when it gets dark by 4:00 pm .  Spotting otters, some migrating ducks and birds and the cranes are a gift. I saw a Common Merganser and heard some bluebirds. I haven't seen them yet, but I will.